Last night was the opening night preview party for my Junior League's Mistletoe and Moss holiday market and Aaron and I used this week night event as an opportunity to test the waters with a non-grandparent babysitter. This was inevitable since the ladies at the daycare have literally been fighting over who would eventually get the chance to watch Pumpkin after hours. I've had phone numbers covertly slipped into my bottle bag, girls meeting me outside and talking in hushed whispers to get directions to my home, and even one lady doing a drive-by to make sure she knew where I lived. Sounds crazy but this is no exaggeration. I finally picked one and made the deal (in the hall where nobody could see, of course). I set the date with the sitter a couple weeks in advance and felt good about it. We "had a sitter" as I have heard parents say in the past. I tried those words out. Yeah, we had a sitter. Well, as the days started ticking down I started slowly freaking out. It wa...