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Personality Plus

Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter...she went and developed the most adorable personality in the entire world!

Before Pumpkin was just an eating, spitting, pooping, crying and occasionally sleeping miracle and I loved her more than I thought possible. I didn't think there was a cuter kid on Earth and I certainly didn't think SHE could get any cuter. Boy was I wrong. I don't know exactly what changed, but all of a sudden this little amazing being became a PERSON. I mean, she was always a person, but now she has a personality. And, in my completely objective opinion (ha), if I didn't already know and love her more than life itself, I think Pumpkin is going to be the kind of gal I would choose to be friends with because she is not only cute, but pretty darn funny too.

Her person-ness all started in her bath Thursday evening. I was showing her the rubber duck toy and saying the word over and over with exaggerated dictation. All of a sudden she started splashing uncontrollably and smiling and making a "th" sound with her tongue on the roof of her mouth. My excitement at her attempt to say "duck" only made her more excited and she kept on "th"-ing me and splashing wildly. Of course, by the time Aaron got there she was quiet again...but I had a feeling we were on to something.

As an aside, to make Thursday even more wonderful, our little angel slept from 9:30 PM to 5:30 AM (read: mom and dad slept for almost 7 uninterrupted hours). After I woke up in an absolute panic wondering why she wasn't awake or how I had missed her cries, I realized that a miracle second only to her birth had occurred - SLEEP! Unfortunately, the very next night she was up almost the ENTIRE night, but I hold on to the glimmer of knowing that it is possible for her to sleep through the night.

So she started talking (in the most liberal since of the word, but hey, I consider it talking), but her sense of humor didn't emerge until sometime on Saturday evening (after an exceedingly long night AWAKE and not much was funny at that point). Both Aaron and I were pretty tired. We're lounging around the house watching a movie, Pumpkin's sitting next to me on the couch and all of a sudden I hear this incredible cooing. So I totally forget the movie and start cooing back at her. We are just having a great conversation, I ask her to tell me a joke and (no lie) as if she understood me she lets out the funniest squeal/laugh I have ever heard. Her first REAL legitimate laugh and Aaron heard it so now I have PROOF! It was fantastic!

As might be expected (she is my daughter after all) she hasn't really quit since she started "talking" (and I couldn't be happier)! Bath time is definitely her favorite time to "tell jokes" - which is a joke in an of itself considering how much she HATED baths when she came home.

And to add to her list of recent accomplishments (major in my book, though probably only in MY book) she can now hold her head even with her body while being lifted by her arms from a laying down position. That was a lot of confusing words to say - she's getting stronger and will soon be able to sit up! We've been practicing sits up and sitting in the Bumbo, so I include a picture of her first time in the Bumbo for your enjoyment:


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