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Our Little Flirt

Every day with Pumpkin is better than the last. She continues to define her personality a little more each day and I have decided that she is going to be a shy but flirty type. She is coy and absolutely adorable. She will flash you that killer smile and then hide her face, peering out only to see if you're looking. Her laugh is soft but full-bodied and her smile will literally take your breath away.

Okay, okay, so I'm a little biased and a lot in love with this little girl, but in addition to her budding and beautiful personality, I have some objective accomplishments to report. First, we have continued with eating and she seems to prefer squash to everything else we've tried. This is odd because, although I am not a picky eater by any stretch of the imagination, I despise squash in all of its forms. It is the one food that I simply will not touch. So, our little flirt loves squash. Go figure.

In much more important news - she can roll over!!! The doctor told us not to be discouraged that she had not rolled yet, since she is so "healthy" it is harder for her to get over. Well, she proved him wrong. On Saturday morning I had her laying in the living room on a blanket playing, while I did dishes in the kitchen. I looked down to check on her and she was belly down in the upward dog yoga position. She rolled for the first time AND NOBODY SAW IT! We started cheering and she looked at us like we were absolutely crazy.

We got out cameras and videos and moved furniture so as not to miss a thing and we waited. And we waited. And we waited. Nothing. But I can attest, based on circumstantial evidence of finding her belly down, she has rolled at least a handful of times. We have nothing to prove this of course, but I hold out hope that I will catch her in the act soon!


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