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Movin' on up

I am using this blog entry as a means of commending Pumpkin's achievements, as I was instructed to do by the letter I received from the daycare yesterday. Apparently she is being "promoted" to the next room up and, according to "the note," this is one of life's "milestones" that she has successfully achieved. I am certainly hoping that she accomplishes many more commendable milestones than simply being one of too many babies in a room, but just in case and as instructed, I commend her. I even gave Pumpkin her first cookie last night to celebrate.

But in all seriousness, Pumpkin's promotion is bittersweet for mommy. I can't believe that she is no longer in the Itty Bitty Room. Now, I realize that it's been a long time since she was "itty bitty," but what the promotion really means is that she is (gasp) mobile!

That's right - Pumpkin's movin' - rolling, scooting, and bumping along. The two things she isn't doing quite yet is (1) crawling on all fours or (2) moving in forward. She can get wherever she wants to go, and in record time, she just does it backwards. She has also started back-scooting herself under the couch or whatever other piece of furniture is nearby (I say, under, I should say as far under as her little bubble butt will wedge itself - see photo).

She's growing up so fast. It's hard to believe she is 8 months old. She sat at the table and had spinach ravioli with mom and dad last night. She has likes and dislikes and makes them known and she even gets bored. Most tragically for mom and dad, she is also starting to like kiddie shows.

I really can't figure out how she knows the difference between her shows and mine, since she doesn't really follow dialogue I assume it is the bright colors and sing songy voices of all the characters, but whatever it is, when I flip it to Baby Einstein or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she is suddenly all ears, mouth agape. Just the other night while Aaron was watching the National Championship, I couldn't figure out what our baby girl was whining about and then I flipped on Blues Clues and she laid back on my chest and watched in amazement until she fell asleep. Unfortunately, she fell asleep before Blue revealed his third clue, so Aaron walked in on me finishing the episode by myself (sorry, but I had to know what Blues' favorite snack was - chocolate milk FYI). So, I've gone from being one of the "she's not watching television until she's 5" parents to trying to figure out what the TV ratings mean (is she "G" or is she "TV7"???).

It's funny that my chest can swell and I can beam with pride, while welling up with tears at the same time over the fact that my little bitty is no longer a little bitty. All we have to wait for now is forward motion and its watch out world!


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