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Showing posts from October, 2012

Here We Go Again

So, this is it - the week we go from family of three to a family of four and I go from a mother of 1 to a mother of 2.  As I was walking out the door today, scratching some unidentified pink crust off my sweater with my fingernail and remembering my polished and together former self, I began to wonder whether it was even humanly possible to become MORE of a mom than I am now. Now, obviously I realize I can be a mom to MORE (and will be in three days), but can I really be more of a mom?  Aside from the pink crust, I am also sporting a highly visible Hello Kitty bandaid on the top of my foot (because it was the only bandaid I could find this morning) and humming the tune to "Building a Birdie House" from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  On top of that, just last week I walked into my office and referred to myself - out loud - in the third person as MAMA (as in, "mama needs to call the court and check on that.")  Very professional, I know...intimidating even...