So, I'm a year older than last time I posted. Birthdays have always been a time of introspection for me. I have a natural tendency to get stuck in my own head anyway. Occasions like birthdays only make it worse. It didn't help that this year I turned 33 on the same weekend as the Inauguration and MLK day. I'm sure you're asking yourself what any of this has to do with...well, anything. Let me start with 33 - or, as my sister-in-law put it in a text to me, "the age of Jesus." That's right, as depressing as it might seem, I keep dwelling on the fact that I'm now the age that Jesus was when he died. 33. He died on a cross to save all mankind. I, on the other hand, was glad my children got out the door this morning without too much unidentifiable crust on their faces. Then there is MLK, who died in his thirties for the cause of all of humanity - peace, equality, love. And then there's the Inauguration. Now, whether you voted fo...