Big, big weekend at the Brown house. For those of you who haven’t already heard, this weekend saw not-quite-yet-21-month old Pumpkin hit the potty TWO times AND count to six all by herself (identifying objects as she did, not just theoretical counting). Needless to say, I was a proud, proud mama. So proud, in fact, that I think all the potty-hoopla frightened Pumpkin a little. She eventually got back in the saddle, though hesitantly. Pumpkin’s not just learning, but also teaching mama a few things. Pumpkin’s latest lessons run the gamut from patience to safety to relaxation. Patience. As my dance teacher used to chide, “Patience is a virtue, have it if you can; seldom in a woman, never in a man.” Or as I could say, “never in a Pumpkin.” The irony of Pumpkin teaching me any lessons about patience is that I learn by her complete lack of the virtue. I’ll admit. At first I mistook her impatience for an inability to persevere. At least a handful of times during any given play sess...