Those of you who don't know me too well may be surprised to learn that I can be a real meanie. I could explain away why that is - probably something to do with being a short, young female in a competitive and aggressive profession dominated by loud, old men. In any event, I have to admit that sometimes I can a bit of a bully. At work, it usually ends well. The problem is when it comes home with me. Add to that the fact that I am a bad disciplinarian. I don't like to discipline my kids. For one, it puts a damper on what we have going on (i.e., if she can't go to the party, I can't go to the party). I understand that is immature and selfish and don't you dare think for a minute that I didn't REALLY reconsider even typing those words. But this blog is all about being honest and that is the truth. Fortunately for me I have some really, really, really wonderful kids. But, they are kids. They fight and argue and sass and sometimes they need to be discipli...